Castle Vineyard. Consulting on the development and training of the new palmette planting on the hill below the castle. Pruning crews are trained in the proper setting of branching managed integrally in spring pruning and completely free of pruning wounds.
Old vines. The oldest vines are almost all sémillon, which despite large cuts can stand the test of time. Vignerons fail to reach significant ages on sauvignon, particularly in this particularly wet and rainy climate that facilitates fungal development. Here, too, efforts are made to put in place a plant defense procedure, working on both the old vines and the new ones and educating the pruners in proper workmanship.
Vines are pruned in early winter to limit yields and encourage maximum ripening. The Sémillon is spur pruned (two or three renewal spurs with two buds), while the more vigorous Sauvignon Blanc is 90% spur pruned and 10% single Guyot.
The twenty workers in the Château d’Yquem vineyard are assigned to each specific parcel, so they know virtually every vine.