September 6, 2023

Vine surgery school

A 3-day full-immersion to learn vine surgery, the innovative technique to save the vine plant from esca disease.
There are two dates to attend: October 2 to 5, 2023, or October 16 to 19, 2023

The course location will be at the Vine Lodge Academy in Capriva del Friuli, while the practical courses will be held at our “Mario Schiopetto” Campus.

The course will consist of 3 days of training for a total of 5 practical and 1 theoretical lessons. Students will stay at the Vine Lodge Academy in Capriva del Friuli.

The participation fee is €1,200 per person and includes, in addition to the course, 3 nights’ accommodation with breakfast, rental of clothing and equipment, insurance and a Visit to the Mario Schiopetto Campus (where the Simonit&Sirch Method took shape more than 30 years ago), the winery’s cellars and a tasting of its wines.
At the end, participants will receive a certificate of participation in the course and a PRUNINGUY/ PRUNINGIRL T-shirt.