The winners: Pruning Festival 2024

Matteo Finezzo from Verona is the best Italian vine pruner. He is the winner of the 2nd Italian Pruning Festival, the contest created and organised by Simonit&Sirch Vine Master Pruners: ore than 100 competitors competed at Agricola San Felice di Castelnuovo Berardenga in Chianti Classico. The best team was the Largoni Boys, i.e. Marco Cecchetto, Nikolas Marson and Marco Gregoris from the Giorgio Cecchetto winery.

Pruning Festival 2024

Tuscany’s Chianti Classico will host the Pruning Festival 2024, conceived and organised by Simonit&Sirch. The appointment is on 16 March 2024 in San Felice, Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI), with the Pruning Contest. The Festival will be preceded on 15th March by the Technical Conference “Vine and Water: Sustainable Design”

Pruning Schools are back

Vine Master Pruners Academy becomes Simonit&Sirch Academy. And with online courses, the Pruning Schools are back.

Vine surgery school

A 3-day full-immersion to learn vine surgery, the innovative technique to save the vine plant from esca disease.
There are two dates to attend: October 2 to 5, 2023, or October 16 to 19, 2023